Fundamentals of Java
tracks, java ·Get Started with Java
- Learn Java - Fundamentals can be referred at -
- Follow instructions to install Java and Maven -
- Install Java version 11 or greater
- Install Intellij Idea community edition -
- Install git on your local machine
- Clone this basic git repository and run a hello world program
- If you can run it, you are set.
Assignment 1
- Once you have learnt it, implement the following with Java
- Implement a Java application with a main function that can do the following tasks
- Create a new Product - with product details
- Name
- code
- Category
- Cost Price
- Selling Price
- Tax Percent
- Product should have a function to return billing price by adding tax to the Selling price
- Stock count
- Create a store - with details and products
- Store name
- Store address
- Store contact number
- List of products in a store
- Store should have a function that accepts product code and returns the product object
- In the main function
- Create two store objects
- Create 10 products for each store
- Create function to get price of product by code in a store
- Create function to get stock value of a product by code in a store
- Create a new Product - with product details
- Implement a Java application with a main function that can do the following tasks
Bonus Task
- Add a function in the main class to create a cart list with products and get final cost of the products in the cart.
Assignment 2
- Once you have complete assignment 1, you should be able to create store, create products, add products to store and perform other tasks
- As a follow up to assignment 1, please work on the following
- Use a json file to import products into your store. All product information should be in a json and this needs to be imported.
- Use Serializers/Deserializers to do the same. Hint: Use jackson object mapper dependencies to achieve the same
Understand Advanced Java Concepts
Following are topics that you want to brush about Java
- Collections and Generics -
- Exception handling -–VDpCn41gijnV
- Threads -
- Multi Threading -
- Types of Interface -
- Functional Interface Java -
- Lambda Expressions -
- Comparable vs Comparator -
- Stream API and Need for it - -
- For Each Method -
- Map Filter Reduce -